Journal On Purpose to Meditate


Zone out

Write to rest and marinate your mind in positivity

Our rational minds are always at work. Problem-solving, communicating, planning, articulating, rationalizing, and strategizing from the moment our waking eyeballs focus. We act as if we are streamlined machines of efficiency and reason until we hit the wall of burnout, become blurry and slow-witted, and shove a Burger King employee’s head into the shake machine because they forgot the onion rings. We know that even the most highly advanced circuitry needs to be turned off and on again once in a while, and yet rarely do it for ourselves.

Art therapy theory speaks about the back and forth movement of writing by hand, which is relaxing and channels stress onto the page. Engaging your creativity allows your overworked rational mind to rest and gives you access to your subconscious where you have the opportunity to speak directly to the board of directors that dictate your beliefs and behaviors, and they are open to suggestions.

Create a positive affirmation or mantra and write it over and over again, even if you are not fully engaged and want to zone out for a few minutes. Writing is restorative, offering the centering balance of meditative movement, use it to lull yourself into a cradle of calm and let your subconscious reap the benefits while your eyes glaze into a state of neutral quietude. It’s like taking a nap while you're awake. Use this as a break, a chance to recharge and clear the static, all while powerfully steeping your subconscious in positivity and growth. You will emerge energized, sharp, and filled with a renewed compassion for fast food employees which is good because you definitely need to apologize.

Liz Verna