Journal On Purpose to Get Organized


The power of Lists

Organize and prioritize, consciously

Maybe you write lists to remember to change the oil in your car or pick up a random color of Gatorade at the store, but did you know that lists literally have a list of other powerfully nifty benefits?

Just the act of writing a list articulates a clear, organized daily set of goals that provide tangible tasks. Prioritize the top three things, keep the number of expectations under 10 to set yourself up for precision and success. Stop the spin of a stressed-out mind and ground yourself in reality by bottom-lining exactly what needs to be done.

Checking off tasks and celebrating the wins is something many of us never do, but it is the only way to get an accurate picture of what we accomplish in a day. Use a list to stave off the mental exhaustion that comes with running from task to task to task by noting and recognizing what you’ve actually done, not the fuzzy, glossed-over version your brain tries to sell you. Celebrate! You’ll feel refreshed, successful, and ready to handle whatever comes next.

With renewed focus and mental bandwidth, you’ll have more energy and space to add some awesome to your day. Maybe exercise or time to read those books staring at you from a shelf or a class about ancient Mesopotamia will finally make an appearance on your more conscious list. Rid yourself of the feeling that the day has slipped by and connect back to a clarity about what you really want, not what you can get to after everything else is finished.

Liz VernaComment