Journal On Purpose to Give Yourself Permission to Create


Who says you can’t?

Let yourself lean into your creative side

As children, we are fiercely dedicated to frivolity. We don’t recognize it as frivolity because we don’t have tasks like folding fitted sheets or working a three-hole punch to compare it to, we just know what we like and are deadly serious about it. We immerse ourselves in our imagination, create art without restraint, and eat things that aren't food with equal parts passion and fearlessness. 

But then we pile things on top of these impulses until eventually the thought of anything un-rational starts a whisper in our heads that says  “shouldn’t you be working a three-hole punch?” It feels foolish, like a waste of time without the relaxing element of actually wasting time. If there’s no reason to be imaginative or creative, why do it?  

But how else can you wander around a realm of possibility, where iPhones and salted caramel ice cream used to live before someone brought them into the real world? How long do you want to keep pushing that project out of your mind because you can’t figure out a way to start? Where can you find the unleashed child you used to be, confidently reaching for what you want, untethered by shoulds or supposed-to’s

Start by giving yourself permission to tap into your creative mind and write, a little, every day. Your energy and ideas will surge, the pathways between problems and solutions with widen and bend, your black-and-white vision will morph and color. The more you see stepping into your creativity as useful, even important, the further it will reach and the more areas of your life it will touch. It all starts with allowing yourself to reconnect with your purest, most powerfully imaginative parts. Get both sides of your brain riding a tandem bike of awesome and see where it takes you.

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